All you need to know to start working with react

All you need to know to start working with react

This blog teaches you how to start creating react apps.


  • Beginner with basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, js and using terminal.

  • Node.js should be installed in your system - Install

  • A code editor for writing codes. ( I prefer VScode)

Create a react app:

  • Create a folder - start-react

  • Go to folder location in terminal using - cd start-react

  • Run command npx create-react-app . , this command initializes the current folder as a react app.

Folder Structure:


  • node_modules is a folder that contains all the packages and their respective dependencies that are required or used in the project.

  • Dependencies are external libraries or modules that have been used or are needed to run the react application.

    • package.json has a list of all the dependencies used in the project.

    • package.lock.json contains information on specific versions of those dependencies.

  • public folder contains some files of which index.html is the most important file and it has only one div present in its body with id = "root" . This div is the main container where all react code will be rendered.

  • src the folder is the most important folder which you will deal with most of the time.

    • It has three main files index.js , index.css and App.js . All files other than this can be deleted and we can create project-related files when needed.

    • index.js the file is the root file that connects our react codes to the index.html present in public folder using the div with id = "root" .

    • App.js is nothing but the main or first component of the react app which is rendered.

    • This code of index.js will make it more understandable to you.

        import React from 'react';
        import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client';
        import './index.css';
        import App from './App';
        const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root'));
        // this root refers to the div in the index.html of public folder
            <App />
        // render is a method in React which renders the react components
    • Do this to your src folder:

      • Remove all the files inside src folder except index.js , App.js and index.css .

      • Update the index.js as follows

          import React from 'react';
          import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client';
          import './index.css';
          import App from './App';
          const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root'));
              <App />
      • Update the App.js as follows

          import React from 'react';
          const App = () => {
            return (
              Hello Learners!
          export default App
  • Now open the terminal, go to the location of start-react directory the location in which node_modules is present and run npm start .

  • This will open a page on your default browser.

  • Great! Now you're set up to work on react and you have created your react app.

What did we learn?

  • In this lesson, we learned how to set up our system to create a react app.

  • Then we understood what is the folder structure.

    • node_modules where all the codes for packages and dependencies are present.

    • package.json contains the list of dependencies whereas package.lock.json contains information about the versions of the dependencies used in the app.

    • public folder contains index.html which has one div with id = "root" where all the react code is rendered.

    • The most important folder is the src , has three main files index.js , index.css and App.js .

Next Lesson?

  • In the upcoming lessons I will teach you about how to write html in react, how to use javascript variables to change html easily, concept of props and more.

Till then, bye!